Why Can't I See My Six-Pack?

Many people work their abs tirelessly, yet never get that ripped six-pack look that they crave and they are often left confused as to why this is. Almost certainly the first thing they'll believe is that its their 'poor genetics' which occasionally up to a point it is, but thats not the most fundamental reason why they can't see their abs.

The thing is everyone has abs, I have abs, you have abs, your parents have abs but we all have different levels of fat covering those abs. Genetically some people may have a thicker layer of fat than others but EVERYONE can still get ripped abs, all you have to do is burn that layer of fat.

The massive misconception that is partly due to the media is the idea that doing loads and loads of sit ups, leg raises etc will get you that ripped six pack that you desire. However, this is not the case! Performing sit-ups, crunches, leg raises and whatever else you may be whacked out will indeed help tone your abs BUT it will not help burn that layer of fat.

So, what is the most effective way of burning off the layer of fat that covers your abs? In a word Cardio! Now, cardio can be performed in the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) form or as a LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) session depending on what you prefer.

However, six-packs are built mainly in the kitchen and therefore no matter how hard you work, if you're not hitting your macros or if you are on a 'dirty bulk' those fat levels are never going to drop down.

In terms of my ab training I find decline crunches, hanging leg raises, lying leg raises, scissor kicks and reverse crunches the most effective exercises to get the abs really burning. The rep range and number of sets depends on which training cycle I'm in. However, one factor that remains consistent in my ab training regardless of the week is my cardio and I like to get 2 longer runs (40-60 mins) and 1 shorter (20-30) speed run in.

There's no magic pill to having great abs, it takes hard work and consistency. You're not going to go to the gym and after a couple of workouts have abs like Jamie Alderton. It takes time and commitment in the kitchen as well as the gym and you need to decide in your own mind if you have the desire to put the time and effort in to not just achieve them but maintain them.

Joey G


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