Why Every Diet Works.

The 5:2, Keto, Slimming World, Weight Watchers; they all WORK! But why do they work? 
The reasoning behind it is simple, it's because they make you subconsciously watch what you are eating. I have tried pretty much every single diet out there and I've lost weight on them all. 

A diet that sticks in my mind and is at the forefront of current UK media is Keto. When I went on a Ketogenic I GOT SHREDDED! But the reason behind me getting super shredded on Keto wasn't because it's some kind of superior super diet. It was because I started to check the nutrients of every food I ate before I put it in my mouth. Chocolate; can't have that, it's got carbs in. Pasta; can't have that, carbs. Milk; can't have that, carbs again. You get the gist!

Weight Watchers, another diet I got shredded on. Why? Because I was checking how many points a food was before I ate it! 

However, as I've become more educated and knowledgeable I've learnt that I can pretty much eat whatever the hell I want as long as I'm consuming fewer calories than I'm burning and I'm getting adequate protein (which for me is about 1g per lb of bodyweight). 

Some days I might get 50% of my calories from carbs and only 10% from fats and on other days it may be completely opposite, just dependent on what I fancy.

When dieting to lose fat it's always seemed obvious to me to eat the most volumous foods, so fruit and veg play a massive part in my nutrition when dieting.

That's not to say eating large quantities of fruit and veg is the only way to do things as you could eat ice cream all day and lose fat providing that you are consuming fewer calories than you are burning. However, doing that is far from advisable as ice cream is a highly calorie dense food and therefore you don't get the same volume of food as you would from 'healthier' sources of food such as fruit and veg.


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