10 Signs You're A Dick

We all have people in our lives, who frankly we wished wouldn't be! Often, its the little things that people do that annoy you the most! What I've done here is I've came up with 10 things that both Men AND Women do which really p*ss people off!

1. Not Giving Way In Traffic - We live in the 21st century, we're all in a rush but what difference is giving way to one car going to make to your journey time? 10 seconds? People who don't give way in traffic are also generally the first people to go absolutely nuts when somebody doesn't let them out of a junction.

2. Not Putting Your Weights Away In The Gym - How hard is it? You had the strength to pick them up, throw them around for a few sets, so why can't you put them back?

3. One-Upping Everybody - Yes, you may have achieved bigger and better things than the person you're speaking to but there is really no need to remind them of your superiority every single time they tell you something that they've achieved, particularly if you are in a group of people. Quite frankly nobody cares about your historic achievement, in fact they just think you're a douche for interrupting and trying to go one better.

4. Not Responding To Calls And Messages - Some people are quicker than others at responding due to work commitments etc. Others are just plain ignorant. We now live in a world of 'read' receipts, if you've not responded within an hour of reading the message you're a dick. If you've turned your 'read' receipts off, you must have something to hide.

5. Not Giving People Straight Answers - In my opinion the worst word in the dictionary is 'hope' because what we see so much of today is false hope. This comes through not giving people a straight answer. Let people know where they stand.

6. Wearing Sunglasses/Hats Indoors - Just exactly what are you thinking? It's not sunny in here, it's not cold, take them off!

7. Gossiping - Look we all love a good chit chat but please stick to the facts. I appreciate its hard not to gossip as people do it all the time but don't let it turn into bullying.

8. Cancelling On People - "Sorry I can't do today/tomorrow/whenever actually as I've got something on" why on earth did you commit to it then in the first place? And why the heck don't you know your schedule? By cancelling on someone you simple screw up their day as they'd set that time as side for you, potentially turning down other opportunities in the process. As a rule of thumb I let people cancel on me three times before just cutting them out of my life completely, that goes for work, friendships and relationships.

9. The Inability To Laugh At Yourself - We all make fun of each other right? Occasionally someone will call you out and it will be hilarious, to everyone but you that is if you're a dick! Get to learn that we all have out pitfalls and sometimes you will be bearing the brunt of the jokes!

10. Passing Judgement/Opinion Without Relevant Knowledge/Experience - Quite often people say to me "I think you're training too hard" or words to that effect either never having trained themselves or having no idea about how I periodise my training. If you're not knowledgable about a topic don't pass judgement on it as you will not have the knowledge to formulate an accurate opinion.

I could go on and on and on but these are the things that really bug me about people on a day to day basis. What are your bugbears with people?


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