The One Thing You NEED To Eliminate From Your Life

It's January. That means one thing, everywhere you look you'll be seeing articles that tell you that you need to cut this or that out. Most, if not all of the advice is unfounded as generally speaking anything in moderation is sustainable. However, now and again you'll come across a life hack which can't be ignored. In the following post I'm going to share with you a life hack that I discovered around 2 years ago, have implemented ruthlessly and can now see the benefits in every aspect of my life.

The life hack is more advice than an actual hack and its as simple as ELIMINATE ALL NEGATIVE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE.

We all know someone who's negative or pessimistic about quite literally everything, you may not think they are having any bearing on you, your life, or your decision making but they are! As motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said "we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with" so the chances are if you spend a lot of time with the 'pessimist' you're thinking of then they're filtering their negative vibes into your mind.

Negativity can come in hundreds if not thousands of forms but the most noticeable forms of negativity are doubting their own or other peoples abilities, using 'no' as a go to word, constant complaining or fault finding, and a continual need to try and problem solve even when there's seemingly not a problem.

Negativity often stems from insecurity, guilt, resentment, disappointment, or a bad habit and is closely associated with selfishness.

You can surely already see why you need to begin eliminating these people from your life.

It is however important to understand what I mean by 'eliminate'. Eliminate ultimately means dispose of. You may have read this article and realised your partner, your parents, or your best friend is a truly negative person. Now, I am not suggesting for a second that you should immediately cut all ties with them. What may be beneficial for you to do right away is try and understand the root cause of their negativity. Then, regardless of whether or not you are able to establish the root cause it's work actively observing and monitoring their negativity over the following few weeks before eventually asking them 'what makes them have such a negative outlook'. Obviously in some cases this will prove a delicate question but it needs to be asked in order to make them aware that you are aware of their negativity. They should at this point, if they are decent human being who truly cares about your feelings and opinion make an active effort to improve their outlook. If no noticeable improvement occurs within a month then it may be worth putting a little more distance between yourself and the 'pessimist'.

I went through this process around 2 years ago, eliminating or distancing myself from any pessimists in my life and replacing them people who are fun and emit positive energy. The benefits that this have brought me are subtle yet noticeable. When I'm down or upset, I reach out and I'm quickly helped back on track, two years ago that wouldn't have been possible as my pessimistic influencers would have kept me down at their level.

Have a positive outlook on life, never doubt yourself and make your first word YES.


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